SIIDEF or Sewon International Industrial Design Fair is a series of exhibitions and conference events in the field of industrial design in collaboration with several countries. This event is organized by the Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Visual Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, which will be held both online and offline in 2022. The theme of SIIDEF this year is CONTEMPORARY DESIGN IDENTITY: Optimistic yet realistic and contemporary problem solutions. There have been many problems the solutions of which have been stuck during these past two years. After the world has been shaken up by COVID-19, we can go back to thinking about the real issues of today’s design, such as:
Carbon Dioxide Problems, Cooling Problems, & Availability of Clean Toilets
Diversity problems
Urban farming, Food Self-growing Movement, Smart City, Cyber City, & Urban Tech
Sewon is a Kapanewon or sub-district level in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta is also located in Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. In Sewon, many small and medium industries make furniture and home-decor products. These industries also export to foreign countries, such as America and Europe. The advantage is that this industry can absorb many local workers. Sewon District, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region, has also been declared by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Ministry of Social Affairs to become an Industrial District that Disability Friendly. Furthermore, at this present time, designers are expected to contribute fresh ideas to the issues above, so that their works can give a positive impact. With more and more designers focusing on the above issues, what kind of impact will it create?
There are many approaches that can be applied by designers in resolving these issues. One of the options is contemporary design.
Contemporary design identity must continue to adapt and be adjusted to respond to current problems for the sake of future sustainability.
A designer who has interest on sustainability, is expected to have the sensitivity to design a product/design that produces positive outcomes.